21_Course Listing 2 and 8.1 | Boston Cybernetics
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Software Reverse-Engineering (5-day)

Reverse-engineering is an essential skill for many cybersecurity disciplines - vulnerability assessment, malware analysis, and software interoperability.  


This course is designed to introduce students to the fundamentals of reverse-engineering software.  These fundamentals are common to desktop, mobile, and embedded architectures.  


Over five days, we introduce students to the x86 instruction set and CPU architecture, recognizing C code constructs in assembly code, reverse-engineering with IDA Pro, and binary vulnerability research.  Lectures will be supported by extensive supervised lab exercises that will reinforce and cement knowledge.


After taking this course, students will be proficient in the fundamentals of reverse-engineering software using IDA Pro, without the help of source code or documentation.

Boston Cybernetics Institute 2021©️

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